更新日期: 瀏覽次數:5by:育鉦科技



育鉦科技是專業的交換式電源供應器製造廠,成立於西元1999年9月,深耕台灣多年,在台灣高雄前鎮區擁有自己的研發設計團隊及自己的生產製造線,從產品的設計開發到生產製造皆可獨立完成,提供給客戶完整的一條龍服務,同時亦有OEM及JDM服務。讓客戶有多種不同的選擇,專業且資深的工程師可以有效地解決客戶大部分的問題,擁有資訊類及醫療類通過標準安規的產品,功率範圍從 5瓦 到 70瓦,輸出電壓是大範圍的從 3V 到 58V DC,並提供雙組或三組輸出之產品,月產能為 100K台,亦可配合客戶小量多樣的需求,自有產品的產地皆位於台灣高雄前鎮區。育鉦科技近年不斷精進自身的電源開發能力,跨足各種智能充電器和轉換器以及USB PD電源產品,滿足客戶各類電源產品需求,高品質/高機動性/高效率是育鉦的最大優勢。除自有產品外,亦為明緯的產品經銷商,可以銷售明緯的各類產品,沒有產品類別的限制,且多數產品皆有庫存並且可以零售。育鉦科技也可代工帶料,電子零組件客製化設計,可做電子代工,電子加工等服務。  有任何問題皆可聯繫我們sales@eljintek.com.tw.


Eljintek is a professional switching power supply manufacturer. It was established in 1999. It has its own design team and production lines. It can independently complete everything from product development to manufacturing, providing customers with complete one-stop services. It also has OEM and JDM services.  It has I.T.E. and medical standard products with power ranges from 5W to 70W and output voltages from 3V to 58V DC. It also provides products with dual or triple outputs. The monthly production capacity is 100Kpcs. It can also meet the small-volume and diverse needs of customers. Our own products are all produced in Taiwan.  In recent years, Eljintek has continuously improved its power supply development capabilities, spanning various smart chargers and converters as well as USB PD power products to meet customers' needs for various power products. High quality/high mobility/high efficiency are Eljintek 's biggest strengths.  In addition to its own products, it is also a product distributor of MEAN WELL and can sell various MEAN WELL products, and most of the products are in stock and can be retailed.

